Latest Episodes

Annuities vs. Alternative Retirement Income Strategies
00:40 Annuities must be compared to alternative investments to assess income strategy. 02:05 No other investment guarantees lifetime income like annuities. 03:35 To match...

Fidelity Annuities Vs. Atlas Annuity Strategy
00:29 Big brokerage houses like Wells Fargo and Fidelity offer limited options for annuities, mainly variable annuities. 01:52 Fidelity is a top seller of...

Annuity Bonus Rates Alone Don't Matter
Bonuses are often touted in bold print, designed to grab your attention and make a particular annuity product seem irresistible. But here’s what you...

How To Use Annuities as Life Insurance
Today, we're going to look at how to use annuities as life insurance. Many people approach retirement or estate planning with some misconceptions about...

Beware of Dinner Seminar Annuities
By gaining a deeper understanding of different annuity options and recognizing the pitfalls of overly optimistic financial projections, retirees can make decisions that protect...

Analyzing Discretionary Liquidity in Retirement
Misconceptions about discretionary liquidity in retirement funds is a topic that, while crucial, often goes unmentioned. Today's topic is a continuation of the last...