Latest Episodes

Using Annuities for ROTH Conversions
In this episode of the Atlas Annuity Podcast, we explore a real-life case study of a recently retired couple with $2.5 million in savings....

CDs Maturing Soon? How to Avoid Reinvestment Risk and Find Higher Rates
With $2.5 trillion in CDs set to mature over the next year, many savers are facing tough decisions. Should you renew at lower rates?...

Are Inflation Adjusted Annuities Worth The Cost?
Inflation has been hitting hard, and it’s left many retirees wondering: Should you choose an annuity with inflation protection, or go for the higher...

10% Annuity Withdrawals or Interest Accumulation?
In this episode, we dive deep into one of the most important decisions for annuity holders: choosing the right withdrawal strategy. Marty Becker breaks...

Ibexis Fixed Indexed Annuity Review
In this episode, Marty Becker, founder of Atlas Financial Strategies, dives into the details of the Ibexis Fixed Indexed Annuity. Whether you've been offered...

The Top 5 Benefits of Owning an Index Annuity
This week, we’re diving into the Top 5 Benefits of Index Annuities and the main reasons they’re becoming more popular. Based on feedback from...